Tuesday 31 May 2016

Reasons a Dentist May Extract Your Tooth

In an ideal world, you keep all of your original adult teeth. Trips to the dentist would include cleaning, maintenance and minor repairs at best. However, life isn’t perfect, and teeth can become damaged or infected. It may be necessary to extract your tooth, and a skilled dentist can help ease you through this procedure.

1. Infection

Unfortunately, broken or decayed teeth can become infected with bacteria, especially at their roots. If not treated, the infection can spread and worsen, causing swelling, constricted airways, sinus infections or even brain infections. After removing the problem tooth, the dentist can clean the infected area, thus allowing the gums to heal.

2. Overcrowded Gums

Often, wisdom teeth can grow in crooked, causing them to impact. This can be painful, as well as make it difficult to eat. Additionally, teeth can be pulled to prepare for orthodontia work or to correct a tooth that cannot emerge properly through the gum line.

3. Gum Disease

Teeth can become loose due to advanced gum disease. Gingivitis, its first stage, can progress into periodontitis, an advanced condition that impacts bone and adjacent tissues. In these cases, there may be no other option except to remove the affected tooth.

Having a tooth extracted can be scary, but a reliable dentist will help you with both the removal and the necessary aftercare to ensure good healing. Visit this website to find out more about dental extractions in Morrisville.

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