Tuesday 31 May 2016

Reasons a Dentist May Extract Your Tooth

In an ideal world, you keep all of your original adult teeth. Trips to the dentist would include cleaning, maintenance and minor repairs at best. However, life isn’t perfect, and teeth can become damaged or infected. It may be necessary to extract your tooth, and a skilled dentist can help ease you through this procedure.

1. Infection

Unfortunately, broken or decayed teeth can become infected with bacteria, especially at their roots. If not treated, the infection can spread and worsen, causing swelling, constricted airways, sinus infections or even brain infections. After removing the problem tooth, the dentist can clean the infected area, thus allowing the gums to heal.

2. Overcrowded Gums

Often, wisdom teeth can grow in crooked, causing them to impact. This can be painful, as well as make it difficult to eat. Additionally, teeth can be pulled to prepare for orthodontia work or to correct a tooth that cannot emerge properly through the gum line.

3. Gum Disease

Teeth can become loose due to advanced gum disease. Gingivitis, its first stage, can progress into periodontitis, an advanced condition that impacts bone and adjacent tissues. In these cases, there may be no other option except to remove the affected tooth.

Having a tooth extracted can be scary, but a reliable dentist will help you with both the removal and the necessary aftercare to ensure good healing. Visit this website to find out more about dental extractions in Morrisville.

Monday 30 May 2016

Nova Southeastern’s Pediatric Dentistry Club lauded for GKAS efforts

The CDM Pediatric Dentistry Club, led by dental students Adam Saltz and Kelly Cundy, won the Graduate Student Organization of the Year....read more

How to Choose the Best Dental Crown for Your Smile

With so many options to restore a tooth, it can be hard to decide. While your dentist can best guide you, it’s helpful to know the types of crowns typically used in tooth repair. Some options are designed for durability, while others are crafted to blend in with the natural look of existing teeth.

Metal Crowns

Two types of metal-only crowns are used by dentists: stainless steel and metal alloys. Stainless steel crowns are inexpensive, mostly appropriate for children’s teeth that are eventually expected to fall out. In contrast, metal alloy crowns permanently restore form and function to a damaged tooth. These crowns are commonly used for back molars, as they stand up well to repetitive chewing and biting.

Porcelain and Ceramic Crowns

Designed to match the natural color of your teeth, porcelain and ceramic crowns are a great option for visible teeth. Additionally, they are a wonderful solution for people with metal allergies.

All-Resin Crowns

All-resin crowns are less expensive than most other kinds. Because they can be installed onto either front or back teeth, they are rather versatile.

Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns

Crowns constructed of porcelain fused to metal offer both aesthetics and sturdiness. The porcelain top is attached to a metal base, offering the look of ordinary teeth with added strength.

Knowing your options can help you and your dentist decide what’s best for restoring your teeth. Visit this website to learn more about dental crowns in Apex.

Types of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns can be used to strengthen cracked or damaged teeth, to cover a dental implant or to improve a tooth’s appearance. There are several varieties of crowns for different purposes. Here is a quick overview of the three main types of dental crowns.

1. Metal

Metal crowns may be made from stainless steel or from alloys of different metals, including gold. These crowns tend to be the strongest and most durable type. They also look the least like natural teeth, however. Due to their appearance and the strength benefits they offer, metal crowns are generally placed on back teeth such as molars.

2. Porcelain Fused to Metal

Porcelain fused to metal crowns can provide a good balance of strength and appearance. These crowns can generally match the color of the teeth around them, though the underlying metal does sometimes show at the gum line.

3. Ceramic

Ceramic crowns are made of porcelain and tend to be easiest to match to the color of the surrounding teeth. For that reason they are often used on front teeth where appearance is most important.

Dental crowns can restore strength and durability to weak or damaged teeth. They can also be used to help improve your smile. If you would like to learn more about dental crowns in Chapel Hill, you can visit this website.

Fillings That Match


If you are worried about the appearance of dark metal fillings, ask your dentist about other options. Some fillings may be made to closely match the color of your teeth for a more natural look.

The Benefits of an Emergency Dentist

No one ever wants to experience a dental emergency. At some point, though, it is possible you will find yourself needing immediate dental care. Consider the following three advantages of calling an emergency dentist.

1. Immediate Access

An emergency dentist knows that accidents and infections do not respect business hours. If your excruciating toothache hits in the middle of the night or if your child gets teeth knocked out in a weekend hockey game, you need help right away. Many emergency dentists work after hours and will respond whenever you require care.

2. An Ounce of Prevention

Problems with teeth need to be addressed as soon as they start to become serious. An infected tooth can become dangerous if not treated. Teeth that have been knocked out or broken are sometimes repairable, but need immediate care. Getting dental problems treated immediately, no matter when they occur, can prevent much larger problems later on.

3. Quick Relief

Many people have endured excruciating pain for hours until a clinic opened. With the help of an emergency dentist, you do not have to keep suffering. The dentist may be able to quickly pinpoint the source of your pain and determine what needs to be done to resolve the situation.

Dental emergencies are unpleasant, but it is possible to get the assistance you need. If you are looking for an emergency dentist in Chapel Hill, visit this website to find out more.

How to Prepare for a Root Canal

Root canals are sometimes necessary to fix broken or decayed teeth that have become infected. If you end up needing a root canal, here are four things you can do to prepare.

1. Avoid Blood Thinners

Many dentists advise that you should stop taking aspirin and other NSAIDs at least a week to ten days before having a procedure like a root canal. These medications can make it harder for your blood to clot and may cause bleeding problems. For the same reason, you should avoid consuming alcohol for at least a day before the root canal.

2. Dress Appropriately

Root canal procedures may sometimes take a while. You should wear loose fitting clothing that makes you feel comfortable and relaxed. Avoiding excessive makeup can also help make your root canal go more smoothly.

3. Follow Instructions

Depending on the state of your tooth, the dentist may prescribe antibiotics or give you special instructions about how to handle pain and infection. Be sure to follow all these instructions for the best outcome.

4. Stay Calm

Root canals can be intimidating. If you have chosen a trustworthy dentist, though, you should not have anything to worry about. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that your dentist has years of experience. If you know your procedure will be done by someone who is skilled and compassionate, you may find it easier to stay calm.

Many people end up needing root canals at some point in their lives. You can visit this website to learn more about endodontic treatment in Durham.

Dentist in Blue

This dentist stands ready to help his patients. You can protect the health of your teeth by making sure to see a dentist every six months for an exam and cleaning.

How to Find the Right Dentist

Having consistent dental care is very important to your health. It can also be crucial that you find the right dentist to provide that care. If you are looking for a dental practice, here are three ideas on how to find the best one for you.

1. Ask People You Know

Everyone needs to visit a dentist sometimes for checkups, cleanings or repair of existing problems. This means that you should be able to find people in your area who can give recommendations. Ask friends, coworkers and family members about their experiences with dental care providers.

2. Use the Internet

In the modern digital era, most businesses now have websites. If you use the internet to find dentists in your area, you can immediately access information about their hours and services and get a quick feel for who they are and what kinds of care they provide.

3. Look for Specifics

Think about what you personally need most from a good dentist. Some of the things you could look for might include:

  • Training and experience
  • Professional behavior
  • Modern equipment and methods
  • Compassionate, patient-focused care
  • Appointments that fit into your schedule

Whatever your specific needs, you should be able to find excellent dental care that will fit into your life. If you are looking for a dentist in Durham, visit this website to find out more.

What To Do If Your Dentures Break

Your dentures are important to your daily life. They allow you to eat, talk and smile more normally. Dentures do sometimes break, and it could be scary to think about going without them for any length of time. Here are a few simple steps you can take if your dentures do break.

1. Keep the Pieces

Broken dentures can sometimes be repaired, depending on the severity of the damage. If your dentures have cracked in half, lost a tooth or otherwise ended up in multiple segments, try to find all the pieces and store them in a safe place until you can get to a dentist for repair.

2. Get to a Dentist

When your dentures break, they need professional repair to ensure their return to good condition. As soon as possible after the break, you should get to a dentist who fixes dentures. Some repairs are simple and fast. Depending on the damage, your dentist might be able to quickly give you back your smile.

3. Practice Care and Maintenance

Some denture breaks are caused by drops or accidents, while others may result from improper care or maintenance. Once your dentures are repaired and back where they belong, remember to treat them with care. Keep them clean, handle them gently and try to avoid leaving them where they could get damaged.

Broken dentures interfere with your life but can often be fixed. If you need denture repair in Durham, you can visit this site for more information.

First dental school in New York in 50 years to open this fall

Touro College of Dental Medicine at New York Medical College joins the Touro School of Health....read more

What to Do If You Have a Cavity

Tooth decay may go unnoticed at first, but can turn into a big problem if left untreated. Here are three things you need to know if you think you might have a cavity.

1. Know the Signs

Symptoms of a cavity may start small, and can include:

  • Sensitivity
  • Sharp pain from exposed nerves
  • Bad breath
  • Visible holes or dark spots

If you see any of these signs, it is crucial that you see a dentist as soon as possible. Many cavities are relatively easy to repair with fillings as long as they are caught early.

2. Find a Dentist

Ideally, you should have a dental exam every six months. These regular dentist appointments can help head off the development of cavities. If you do end up with a cavity, though, you need to see a dentist right away to get it filled. Try to find a dentist that is professional, compassionate and able to fit into your busy life. You can use the internet to find dental clinics, or ask friends and family for their recommendations.

3. Care for Your Teeth

Once you have seen a dentist and gotten the problem resolved, you can practice good oral hygiene to lower your chances of getting more cavities in the future. Brush and floss regularly and follow any special instructions given by your dentist.

Cavities can be painful and can interfere with life, but a dentist can help. If you need tooth fillings in Raleigh, visit this website to set up an appointment.

Sunday 29 May 2016

3 Reasons Dental Exams Are Important

You might have heard that you should get a dental exam every six months, but you probably do not realize how important these exams are to your health. Here are three of the most important reasons you should be getting regular dental checkups and cleanings.

1. Tooth and Gum Maintenance

Even if you are very faithful about brushing and flossing, tough plaque and tartar can begin to build up at or below your gum line. If left untreated this buildup may begin to damage your teeth and gums, which could lead to much bigger problems down the road. Regular exams and cleanings can help maintain your oral health and overall wellbeing.

2. Prevention and Early Detection

If you do start to develop a dental or oral problem, it is important to catch and treat it as early as possible. Your dentist may check for:

  • Tooth decay
  • Broken fillings
  • Signs of gum disease
  • TMJ problems
  • Oral cancers

All of these conditions are much easier to address if diagnosed early.

3. Staying on Track

You try to be responsible with your oral hygiene routine, but how do you know whether or not you are doing enough? If you regularly visit the same dental clinic, the staff will get to know your unique teeth and mouth. This allows them to quickly notice any differences in your oral health, and to advise you of any changes you need to make in order to stay on track.

Regular dental exams are crucial to keep your mouth, teeth and whole body healthy. You can visit this website to schedule a dental exam in Raleigh.

Thursday 26 May 2016

Low-Profile Brackets Join Flash-Free Adhesive Product Lineup

3M is expanding its APC Flash-Free Adhesive Coated Appliance System with its Victory Series Low Profile Brackets, which will be....read more

How Dental Crowns Help Your Teeth

When teeth become damaged, they become more susceptible to further injury. One option to preserve your smile is to get dental crowns over any weakened teeth. Various benefits can be gained through this.

Help Teeth With Large Fillings

When a tooth develops a cavity, a filling needs to be put in it in order to preserve its integrity. Some fillings are larger than others. If you have a particularly large filling, then the tooth may not be structurally sound. A crown over a tooth like this can help strengthen it so that the filing can work as needed.

Protect Teeth That Underwent Root Canals

Root canals are common treatments needed when the pulp inside a tooth has become infected. The infected pulp needs to be removed, and afterward, the affected tooth becomes weakened. A crown is often placed over teeth like this in order to ensure further damage does not occur.

Use With Dental Implants or Bridges

A dental implant is placed directly into a patient’s jaw bone. A crown will need to be placed over the implant in order to ensure proper speech and chewing capabilities are restored. Additionally, crowns can also be used with bridges to hold them in place.

Crowns come in handy in a number of circumstances. If you think dental crowns in Santa Cruz are right for you, then visit this website.

A Crown on a Tooth


Crowns are more than just something you put on your head if you want to feel like royalty. They are also a viable dental restoration method, so talk to your dentist to see if a crown can restore your broken tooth.

When to See the Dentist

Your teeth are important. Without them, it is going to be a lot harder to speak and eat. Therefore, you should see your dentist frequently to know when your teeth require treatment.

Once Every Six Months

You should be scheduling appointments with your dentist twice a year. Even if everything feels fine, there may be minor problems lurking that could become much worse. With routine exams, you will know how healthy your teeth and gums actually are.

Extreme Tooth Pain

It can be easy to ignore a toothache. If it goes away quickly, then maybe you put it out of sight and out of mind. However, if the pain is persistent and keeps you up at night, then you need to see a dentist immediately.

Inflamed or Bleeding Gums

Many people focus too much on their teeth and pay not enough attention to their gum tissue. If your gums are bleeding frequently without any real explanation, then it could be a sign of periodontal disease. Additionally, if your gums have become inflamed and are extremely red in color, then you also need to get a check-up.

Do not delay getting any essential treatments when your teeth or gums are causing you problems. There are plenty of qualified dentists in your area, and you can find a fantastic dentist in Cary by visiting this website.

Baby Teeth Needed for Autism Study

Researchers from the School of Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, are asking families to donate their children’s baby teeth to .........read more

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is something you can seek if you want an improved smile. From teeth whitening to veneers, there are plenty of cosmetic procedures available. You also have quite a lot to gain by pursuing this.

A Better Smile

Numerous imperfections can develop on your teeth over time. Stains can build up. Cracks and chips can develop and compromise the integrity of a tooth. With cosmetic procedures, all those issues can be covered up, so you can smile with confidence.

Prevent Future Damage

A great advantage of cosmetic dentistry is that you are more likely to take care of your smile. For instance, if you get a veneer, then you will likely not chew on ice cubes or your fingernails because those actions can damage your veneers. You want to take care of your new and improved teeth, so inherently; you pay attention to your dental health more.

Makes You Look Younger

Teeth deteriorate over time. Teeth naturally darken as you get older, and teeth may even fall out over time. With cosmetic dentistry, those issues are taken care of so that you look years younger than you actually are.

It is worth meeting with a dental professional to discuss your options if you are interested. To discuss cosmetic dentistry in Cary, visit this website to find a great dentist to help you out.